
Ellen Von Wiegand discusses Art, Anxiety & Vulnerability

Ellen Von Wiegand discusses Art, Anxiety & Vulnerability

"One morning I woke up and immediately thought: today I’m going to take some game changing action. I wanted to do something to connect with more people through my art. I had no idea what it would be and I didn’t necessarily set about to figure it out. But right before bed I had the idea. I started by doing a giveaway of a mini print that I created. I mailed 25 prints to followers of mine that indicated that they wished to receive one. I later decided to offer the mini prints as a monthly subscription. I loved the idea of being able to connect monthly with a group of people with whom my art resonated. Together with the print I mail a series of images of the process of the print’s making and a small text that explains my thinking around each piece. I’ve made some new friends and reconnected with old friends through the process. It’s given a new meaning to what I do." - Ellen Von Wiegand

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